Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Funny Girl: One of my favorite musicals of all time.

In case you were in need of a fabulous 1960s musical, starring the sassiest of the sassy with a gorgeous exotic man in it, FUNNY GIRL IS FO' YOU. I really cannot stress how much I love this movie. Barbra Streisand stars as Fanny Brice, a real-life comedienne during the 1920s. It begins with Barbra in the theater seats, looking moody as jaded divas are wont to do. Then it gets all Tarantino'd and goes back to her beginnings as a skinny-legged, funny (looking) Jewish girl who just wanted to be on stage. Then she gets famous, meets and marries the gorgeous Omar Sharif (Aries, mmm. Teeth now, questionable) who plays a gambler.

Anyway, I love this movie because of Barbra's gorgeous voice, makeup, hair and hands/nails. And Sharif's handsome face. Again, mmm. The last song, "My Man" (below) makes me sing along EVERY TIME. I can't stop myself!! It's pretty awesome though, because it's half live and half lip-synched and you can totally tell when it switches over (~1:30). Babs isn't the best lip-syncher as you can see.

She won an Oscar for this, which my mom hates because she says she was just acting like herself the whole time. Hater. So, please watch. Please love. That way we can all really be besties.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Man Candy: We Can Make Exceptions

As you all might have assumed from the Eleanor Kirk post, L and I are pretty into astrology. We are Leo and Sagittarius, respectively, and we are pretty interested in our men's signs. Yeah, we are. Generally, we like men with our signs as well as Aries and others aren't taken so seriously-- and rightfully so.

However, there are just some men whose looks go beyond zodiac affinities. These are a few examples:


Ryan Gosling: Scorpio. Generally L and I cannot STAND Scorpios. We are also partial to non-blond men. However, look at that sexy beast. I mean, really? Do I have to explain why he is an exception? Plus, it's a total bonus that he wishes he never made The Notebook. Nicholas Sparks' saccharine novels are totally ruining dating, IMHO.

Idris Elba: Virgo. I remember turning on BBC America one evening and seeing a nappy, scruffy Idris Elba on my television looking quite brooding. Needless to say, I've been hooked ever since.


Henry Cavill: Taurus. I dated a Taurus once. Actually, he was an Aries cusp, but such a stubborn ass that he insisted he was a Taurus. Hopefully you aren't surprised that they're the most insufferable men but my god, those beards. Cavill was a total sex symbol in The Tudors and I completely ignored that Jonathan Rhys Myers was even on the show. He is going to be the new Superman, so that means I'll be seeing a Superman movie this year.. or next. Whenever. Mmm.