This post is past due. In June, I was introduced to what is probably my favorite album of 2011, Bon Iver's Bon Iver. I had heard "Skinny Love," off For Emma, Forever Ago, but otherwise I was pretty new to Justin Vernon. There are so many things I love about him: he has Shakespeare's "birthday," he's from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and he writes and records his music secluded in a cabin.
Every time I listen to a song off of this album, I can't help but continue to listen to the entire album. When I first heard it, I think I listened to it six times in a row. My brother said he listened to it eight times in a row. It's incredibly hypnotic and beautiful.
I assume Vernon's friendship and producing sessions with Kanye have really influenced this album. It's rather electronic, especially the last song, "Beth/Rest," which sounds reminiscent of a romantic scene in an 80's movie. His vocals are touching even when you don't know what he's saying.. but you kind of don't want to know, lest it ruin anything. It's so gorgeous, I'd rather not risk it.

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