Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My New Year's Resolution was to fix my nails.

From left to right (top pic): esteemia Cuticle Away, Sally Hansen Complete Care, Pretty Nails Moisturizing Polish Remover, Sally Hanson Maximum Growth Cuticle and Nail Treatment, nail stick, three-sided nail file.

When I get a notion to do something as simple as taking obsessive care of my nails, I tend to go hard. In an attempt to grow my nails out, I ran to CVS to stock up on nail care supplies on my way to work. Naturally I used my break to begin mending my tattered, peeling nails.

So far, I'm really happy with the results and it's only been two weeks. I never used to push back my cuticles or filed instead of just gnawing off the offending bit of nail, but I definitely couldn't imagine going back.

Here is my routine!

  • First, I painted my cuticles with Cuticle Away and let it sit for about a minute. Then I used the stick to push back my cuticles while making sure to kind of separate it from the nail. Wash hands.
  • Next, I rub the Sally Hansen Maximum Growth on my cuticles for another minute or so. Wash hands!
  • So then I file and shape my nails (I like oval-shaped) with the emory side of my file. Then I use the 'Smooth' side on the edges of my nails as well as the top. It's gentle enough to file the top of the nail and take off some of the leftover cuticle.. or whatever that is. I then use the 'Shine' side on the tops. The shine is totally optional.
  • I use the Sally Hansen Complete Care growth polish as instructed. One coat. Dry. Two coats. Dry. One more coat. Dry. It's dries pretty quickly, actually.
From then on, I just try not to bite my cuticles and use plenty of lotion of my hands. I do this routine about once a week :).

1 comment :

  1. You should try Burt's Bees Lemon butter cuticle cream. It keeps my cuticles from getting dry and nasty.

