Sunday, December 29, 2013

Halle Berry's Hair for Interview Magazine

Happy holidays everyone!

Now that the year is winding down, it's time for me to prepare my life for 2014. I will probably do a post later about my resolutions and things I intend to keep them with, but for now all I can think about is hair. I'm in the process of growing it out and constantly in search for hairspiration! Now, I'm not sure if this is Halle Berry's real hair, but I don't really care. This might be the prettiest I've seen her in a while-- and she's Halle Berry.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Iggy Azealia "Change Your Life"

I really have come around to love Iggy. Chances are, homegirl is too busy getting that paper to laugh at Flopzelia Banks. If you aren't familiar with Iggy, check out her iconic video for 'Work'.

I need her figure.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Solange Knowles Appreciation Post

Let's all take a moment to fall in love with the younger Knowles sister. It's a total plus that her music is awesome, on top of her incredible afro-bohemian style. Swear to god, I'm getting braids because she makes them look so good. Bless.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New Music Post!

Chance the Rapper

I feel like Chance the Rapper is what Lil Wayne would be like if he came onto the scene today as a 20 year old from Chicago who cares about sick production and can actually function in society. I've listened to his mixtape about five times this week, and I cannot gush enough about how great it is. Some gems include "Juice", "Favorite Song", and "Lost".

Please, please, PLEASE listen to the mixtape many times. Ya welcome!


I'll admit, I haven't listened to much of their other music, but what I have heard, I love. They're similar to Purity Ring, and I love Purity Ring. It's not that I'm not interested, I'm just lazy about obtaining music. HOWEVER, every time this song comes on, I'm jamming and putting it on repeat. Actually, I'm seeing them at Virgin FreeFest soon (around when their album comes out), so I know it's going to be fab.

Volcano Choir

Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) seems to turn everything he touches into gold. This new album, Repave, by his side project Volcano Choir, is fantastic. It sounds like a nice mix between For Emma, Forever Ago and Bon Iver. A perfect mix of folk and experimental electronics. Comes out September 3rd.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I read, therefore I am hungry

As an avid reader, I used to read a TON of fiction. I still do, however, when a good non-fiction food book comes my way, I have to put my copy of NW by Zadie Smith down... for a while. I read cookbooks cover to cover, same with my issues of Bon Appétit. Here are (some of) my favorite food books/reads:

My Life in France by Julia Child

Until I read this book, I didn't realize how inspirational Julia and Paul Child are. First of all, not many people know much about Julia's husband, Paul. Civil servant and diplomat by day, gourmand and polymath by night. Their relationship is so touching because you can see in this book how much they loved and supported each other. He wrote about wishing he could take cooking classes with Julia, and joined a men's gourmet club as a way of taking part in his wife's massive culinary interests. Without Paul, there is no Julia.

On top of being jealous of their love for each other, I'm also jealous of how much fun and affordably livable Paris seemed for government workers in the 40s and 50s.

Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child, Simone Beck & Louisette Bertholle

You can't mention Julia Child books without listing this as well. As much as I disliked Julie Powell's personality, I am so inspired to also cook my way through this book. When I have some type of food I don't know what to do with, I always consult this book for ideas. Always.

La Bonne Cuisine de Madame E. Saint-Ange: The Original Companion for French Home Cooking by Madame Evelyn Saint-Ange

Julia actually mentions this book in My Life in France, but I think she said it was out of print at the time... By a stroke of luck, my mom heard on NPR that it was going back into print, and promptly bought me a copy for Christmas. It's a great reference book to have, so I like to consult this as well for recipe inspiration.

Cooked by Michael Pollan

I'm a sucker for anything Michael Pollan-related. If you haven't read any of his work, get on it! He doesn't just write about food, but everything surrounding it-- agriculture, politics, social impacts.. everything. Read The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Botany of Desire, and this one.

I devoured half of this mighty tome in about two days. The book is sectioned into four parts: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Each relates to an element of how to cook your food these ways. The fermentation chapter is fascinating! I finally made starter.. that is currently sitting in my freezer and I need to finally make bread. Baking is hard :(

Secret Ingredients: The New Yorker Book of Food and Drink by David Remnick

This is a compilation of all of The New Yorker's articles about food, categorized by the focus, such as Dining Out, Dining In, Fishing and Foraging, etc. My favorite story so far was about the history of the beefsteak parties thrown in New York by groups like Tammany Hall as fundraisers. TL;DR version:  men are disgusting gluttons and women ruined it after joining by requesting formal attire and side dishes.

Lapham's Quarterly: Food

Another compilation of food-related writings. This is fascinating, because it's full of art, poems, short stories, essays and articles from any point in history and any place in the world. The feast scene in the Odyssey has new meaning when read in the context of this collection. I highly recommend this.

Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl

Layla gave me this book. I read it in a day. Then I gave it to my mother and she loved it and gave it to her neighbor. While I worry about making sure I get my book back (quite the feat), it makes me happy that this book is so good and that the people in my life enjoy it as much as I do. Ruth Reichl is the former New York Times restaurant critic and the last editor of Gourmet magazine. She also had a mother whose struggle with bipolar disorder affected the food she made. In a series of sweet and funny short stories, Ruth explains how she grew from having to eat rotting food her mother deemed edible to becoming a famous restaurant critic, through various jobs and experiences in food.

The Man Who Ate Everything by Jeffrey Steingarten

I could have used the book cover, but let's be real-- this is so much better. This might be the first food-related book I've ever read, and I couldn't be prouder. Though I no longer have my copy (see note above about getting books back), I am tempted to buy a new one. Steingarten is the food writer for Vogue and occasional Iron Chef judge. He's a prickly guy, but endlessly entertaining.

MAGAZINES: Bon Appétit, Lucky Peach (Their Apocalypse issue changed my life. Not joking!!!!)

Let's All Do Better

As September is drawing to a close, I'm regretting the lack of posts Alicia and Layla has presented this summer. I'm going to do better, America! Here is what inspired me:

Damn it, Nike! There's no harm is striving to do better today what you did yesterday. Baby steps.

'Don't get me wrong; who you are inside is everything -- the guy who built a house for his family from scratch did it because of who he was inside. Every bad thing you've ever done has started with a bad impulse, some thought ricocheting around inside your skull until you had to act on it. And every good thing you've done is the same -- "who you are inside" is the metaphorical dirt from which your fruit grows. 
But here's what everyone needs to know, and what many of you can't accept: 
"You" are nothing but the fruit. 
Nobody cares about your dirt. "Who you are inside" is meaningless aside from what it produces for other people.'

Read this. Over and over and over again. Then do something you want to be good at... over and over and over again.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Praise the Lord

We're back! Sorry for the hiatus, but we're busy gals. Lucky for you, that means we're coming back with new Kanye and other wonderful things to post about :) Stay tuned.

For now, bask in the glory that is Yeezus Christ. No flaws or lies detected.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Building a Bar: An Epic Poem

Graduating from college and becoming a full-fledge adult comes with responsibilities. There are many, most of them boring and unglamorous, but today we'll just focus on the glamorous. My favorite adult role that I have to play is hostess and being a good hostess means having a well-stocked bar. What's the point in coming over to your house if there's no booze in it? Am I right? No guest should feel like a lush and have to ask for a drink. That said, the best way to keep the libations flowing is to be prepared and have a decent set of drink-making materials and you're in business.

I'm not going to lie, it's kind of difficult to get your bar together all at once. Alcohol and supplies are expensive! On top of that, you'll probably start drinking before you have everything that just needs maintaining. With patience and care put into curating a perfect bar set-up, you'll wow all of your guests in no time.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm

It is Inauguration Weekend and, as a DC-resident, I am terrified. I made it through the traffic last night after a tiny hiatus at my parents' house in northern Maryland, but I know Monday is going to be a little crazy with all the tourists in town. So, to gather the last of my marbles before tomorrow, I've been relaxing on my couch, reading all day. Here's a few pieces of my day:

Totalitarian Restaurants and the New Tyranny of Today's Top Chef by Corby Kummer for Vanity Fair (via Layla)

Merrick's Art: Tutorials The DIY addict in me is dying for a sewing machine thanks to this blog.

Jenna Lyons, the Woman Who Dresses America NYTimes

Monday, January 7, 2013

Get fit, bb

I don't like working out. Let me repeat, I really don't like working out. Gym class in MIDDLE school was awful for me.. I would make up any kind of excuse to not participate. Anyway, music helps. Working out should be casual. As in, you shouldn't really think that much about the working out you're doing. This is something that runs in my family. Grandpa Mallatt enjoys long walks around anywhere (mall, usually) as long as he's not running. Working out that doesn't feel like working out, ya dig? I like pilates, because you're lying down the whole time; walking; riding the recumbent bike and reading magazines! However, I'm dating a marathon runner, so I should get into that cardio game. Here's what I've been doing:

WALK TO RUN program from Women's Health Mag-- get running.

These two go well together. I suggest you get in on it! Running isn't so bad. :)

Also, I am really interested in this cleanse. The point isn't to lose weight, though the author of the article says they lose a few. It's to recalibrate your body after a hectic and rich holiday season. Why not get all reset with delicious, in-season foods? I don't see why not. I've made several of the recipes and they are delicious. Mainly the Lemon-Fennel Relish, mm!

Prediction: This is going to be a great year for women (musically, at least)


Sorry for the lapse in posting. You know how the holidays are. The other day, I was talking to my lovely boyfriend who mentioned how surprised he was to notice that his Best of 2012 album list has a ton of women on it. Isn't that wonderful? Maybe my man is an anomaly, but I like to think 2012 was an amazing year for women artists, commercially or not. Here are some of my favorites from 2012, so keep an eye/ear out for these talented women in 2013, as well as others.
